- Upper elementary and above
- Narrative and expository texts
- Vocabulary development
- Assess/develop/activate prior knowledge
- Writing
- Use context clues
- Provide repeated exposure to vocabulary word
- Link new concept to prior knowledge
Strategy steps:
- Write the new word on the board.. (Example: If the new word is blushing, write blushing on the board.)
- Read aloud/sign two sentences containing the new word. These sentences must provide good context clues to the meaning of the word. (Example: The teenager was blushing after his aunt hugged and kissed him in front of his friends. His aunt was surprised because his face was so red.)
- Ask the students to write the word and what they think it means.
- Students share what they have written and discuss the differences in their interpretations of the concept.
- Give a third sentence that contains the word and its definition. (Example: Blushingmeans getting warm and red in the face because of embarrassment or shame.) Students determine if they “guessed” correctly.
- Students answer a question in which they must relate the concept to their own experiences. (Example: When Tony stood up in front of the class to give his report, he started blushing. Why do you think he was blushing?)
- Students write about an experience they have had that caused them to blush and then share their stories.