References Webinar 1

    1. Deno, S.L. (2003). Curriculum-based measures: Development and perspectives.The Journal of Special Education, 37, 184-192.
    2. American Institutes for Research & U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education (2010, June 5).Common questions for progress monitoring. Retrieved from
    3. Black, P. & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom living. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy, and Practice, 5, 7-74.
    4. Wiliam, D. & Black, P. (1996). Meanings and consequences: a basis for distinguishing formative and summative functions of assessment? British Educational Research Journal, 22, 537-548.
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    9. Ysseldyke, J. E. (2005). Assessment and decision making for students with learning disabilities: What if this is as good as it gets? Learning Disability Quarterly, 28, 125-128.
    10. Deno, S.L. & Marston, D. (2006). Curriculum based measurement of oral reading fluency: An indicator of growth in fluency. In S. Samuels & A. Farstrup (Eds.), What Research Has to Say About Fluency Instruction (pp. 179-201). Newark: International Reading Association.
    11. Hosp, J. (2010). Linking assessment and instruction: Teacher preparation and professional development. Unpublished manuscript. Retrieved from
    12. Deno, S.L., Reschly, A.L., Lembke, E.S., Magnusson, D., Callender, S.A., Windram, H., & Stachel, N. (2009) Developing a school-wide progress-monitoring system. Psychology in the Schools, 46, 44-55
    13. Jenkins, J.R. & Hudson, R.F. (2007). Screening for at-risk readers in a response to intervention framework. School Psychology Review, 36, 582-600.
    14. Hintze, J.M., Christ, T.J. & Methe, S.A. (2006). Curriculum-based assessment. Psychology in the Schools, 43, 45-56.
    15. Deno, S.L. (1985). The emerging alternative. Exceptional Children, 52, 219-232.
    16. Deno, S.L., Lembke, E., & Reschly, A. (?) Progress Monitoring Study Group Content Module. Retrieved from