Why Use Progress Monitoring Data?

Video: Sue Meredith talks about using progress monitoring.

Research on CBM indicates that students whose teachers used CBM significantly outperformed comparable students whose teachers did not use CBM to monitor progress. Teachers who use CBM progress monitoring data are more likely to make adjustments in instructional programming when indicated compared to teachers who do not use CBM data (1).


Video: Susan Lane-Outlaw on the use of NWEA data with parents.

Progress monitoring can help the educational team make decisions related to (12):

  • Determining effectiveness of instructional strategies
  • Determining access to curricula
  • Establishing and modifying IEP goals, objectives and benchmarks
  • Identifying effectiveness of service delivery models
    • decreasing / increasing direct instructional time/ time on task
    • individual, small group, general education class instruction
    • general education / special education/ teacher of D/HH instruction
    • communication systems


Video: Kari Pofahl

  • Curricular decisions
    • general education curriculum
    • specialized curricula
    • supplemental curricula
    • modified curricula


Video: Kari Pofahl on data and parents

  • Parent/Team communications
    • Parent access to academic performance data
    • Parent participation in progress monitoring


Video: Kathy Arnoldy on using data with parents