Monitoring Student Progress with Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Assessment and CEU credits

The four webinars focusing on progress monitoring practices and the use of Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM) (Deno, 1985) as an integral component of instruction with deaf and hard of hearing students are available as a professional development opportunity (CEU credits). It will take approximately 4-5 hours to review the learning materials provided in the webinars.

As part of the agreement with the Minnesota Department of Education–Special Education, our sponsoring agency, we offer free CEU credits.

To obtain CEU credits, you need to complete an assessment activity (quiz) online. The quiz questions cover the information provided in the webinars with the focus on:

  • Defining progress monitoring
  • Using CBM indicators for progress monitoring
  • Using CBM data to monitor student progress in reading and writing
  • Reliability and validity of CBM indicators

Note: to be able to complete the quiz successfully, it is important to review the materials in all 4 webinars.

The quiz includes 24 questions in multiple choice format and one True/False question item. You will have about 30 minutes to complete the quiz.

Participants who receive a score of 21 or above will receive a certificate of completion for 5 CEU credits.

To access the quiz, you will need to have Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer. For a free software download, please click here.

Take a quiz