Instructional and Program Changes

Video: Kari Pofahl on using data based information, what changes she considers.


If progress monitoring data suggest that the student is not progressing at the desired rate (provided that the goal is realistic), change needs to be considered. The following are broad categories of change that may be considered as part of the instructional process.

Time on task

Currently Jane receives 25 minutes of direct reading instruction per day. If the teacher increases that time to 35 minutes, will that boost Jane’s performance to meet the desired rate of progress?

Curricula match

Amos is a 3rd grader and using a 3rd grade textbook for his reading activities. Amos’s level of reading performance is low compared to his classroom peers. Amos becomes frustrated during reading instruction and gives up often. Will giving Amos alternative curriculum materials boost his performance to meet the desired rate of progress?

Instructional strategies

Sherman has difficulty in responding to reading comprehension questions in the text. Will teaching two new reading comprehension strategies boost Sherman’s performance?


Stuart’s progress monitoring graph shows a flat trend line over the last month. Will sharing Stuart’s PM data with him boost his performance?

Video: Sue Meredith talks about sharing data with the students.


Effective communication

Using graphed CBM data provides a clear visual of the student’s progress. The educational team can efficiently move to making a decision about instructional changes for the student. Will this boost the student’s rate of progress?


Cokie is a D/HH 3rd grader who is placed in a general education classroom with an interpreter. Cokie’s rate of progress in reading and writing is regressing below the goal line. Will 60 minutes a week in a resource room with a teacher of the D/HH boost her progress?