Key Word Approach

  • Upper elementary and above
  • Narrative and expository texts
    • Vocabulary development
    • Assess/develop/activate prior knowledge
    • Writing
    • Use context clues
    • Provide repeated exposure to vocabulary word
    • Link new concept to prior knowledge

Strategy steps:

  1. Write the new word on the board.. (Example: If the new word is blushing, write blushing on the board.)
  2. Read aloud/sign two sentences containing the new word. These sentences must provide good context clues to the meaning of the word. (Example: The teenager was blushing after his aunt hugged and kissed him in front of his friends. His aunt was surprised because his face was so red.)
  3. Ask the students to write the word and what they think it means.
  4. Students share what they have written and discuss the differences in their interpretations of the concept.
  5. Give a third sentence that contains the word and its definition. (Example: Blushingmeans getting warm and red in the face because of embarrassment or shame.) Students determine if they “guessed” correctly.
  6. Students answer a question in which they must relate the concept to their own experiences. (Example: When Tony stood up in front of the class to give his report, he started blushing. Why do you think he was blushing?)
  7. Students write about an experience they have had that caused them to blush and then share their stories.