References Webinar 2

  1. Allinder, R.M. & Eccarius, M.A. (1999). Exploring the technical adequacy of curriculum-based measurement in reading for children who use manually coded English. Exceptional Children, 65, 271-283.
  2. Barkmeier, L.M. & Rose, S. (2009) Technical Adequacy of the Maze with Secondary Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. [Unpublished masters thesis.] University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
  3. Dolch, E. W. (1936). A basic sight vocabulary. Elementary School Journal, 36, 456−460. Fry, E. B., & Kress, J. E. (2006). The reading teacher’s book of lists, 5th Ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  4. Deno, S.L., Lembke, E., & Reschly, A. (2002) [LB2] Progress Monitoring Study Group Content Module.  Retrieved from
  5. Rose, S., Barkmeier, L., & Virnig, S. (2011) Norms/benchmarks for DHH students.
  6. Rose, S. & Landrud, S. (2009). Picture-naming pre-reading with young deaf and hard of hearing children. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Technical Report.
  7. Fuchs, L.S., Fuchs, D., and Hamlett, C.L. (1989a). Effects of instrumental use of curriculum-based measurement to enhance instructional programs.Remedial and Special Education, 10, 43-52.