Informal Processes

Video: Sue Meredith talks about several types of assessments used to monitor student progress.

Teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing are often challenged in identifying assessment tools or processes that are valid and reliable (5). Most assessment tools have been used and validated with hearing students, but not with students who are D/HH. Teachers frequently choose alternative measures to monitor student progress including:

Teacher observations – The teacher observes and documents the student’s interactions in class, response to instructional materials, and cooperative work with other students

Running records – An assessment teachers use to code, score, and analyze a child’s oral and/or silent reading behaviors. Running records provide evidence of what a student knows about print, letters, phonemes, and word recognition.

Rubrics – A scale used to evaluate student performance along a task-specific set of criteria. A list of required elements are grouped together as a scoring guide with point-specific designations.

Portfolios – A collection of a student’s work specifically selected to highlight achievements or demonstrate improvement over time. Portfolios may include assessments with rubrics, teacher and student observations, reflective notes and other types of progress monitoring data.